Comment Pieces

India exports anti-corruption campaign to China

Posted on June 15, 2011

At, we have been relentless in our fight against corruption. We have been a successful model of sourcing bribe and corruption related confessions from the crowd. The power of the Internet is such that it can be used as a weapon to track and fight issues plaguing the country – corruption being one, and ipaidabribe is a proof of that.


Call it inspiration or a contagious movement, but clearly we seem to have ‘exported our anti-corruption campaign to China’ as ipaidabribe spokesperson T R Raghunandan said succinctly. Inspired by , where users can anonymously post details of bribes that they either paid or refused to pay, three anti-bribery whistleblowers’ websites viz –, (which in Chinese means ‘I paid a bribe’) and have seen the light of day in China. As the movement continues to grow, we hope to be able to visualize how deeply entrenched corruption is in the current Indian political and social system, and accordingly see through the changes required. Ipaidabribe in the media: Economic Times