Comment Pieces

A New Perspective On Corrupt Policemen

Posted on April 16, 2013


"We(group of 8 members in 5 bikes) had police stopping the vehicles for every 20kms on the way down to Coimbatore, paid bribes(with dummy notices from police) 3 times on the same day."

You must have, at least once, experienced the following- On a busy road, a destitute traveller approaches you, narrating a woeful tale of his family being lured to the city with the promise of a job, only to discover he was duped. Your heart melts. The next moment, you pull out a couple of hundred rupee notes to help the person for food and travel fare back home. He blesses you for the help and you walk away feeling content and proud of yourself. You walk a few hundred yards to bump into a similar case begging you for help…

This is just a not-so-elaborate allegory of what most policemen in our country do day in and day out- Loot you! Read this story to understand the connection.