Bribe Hotline

  • Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

Hi Raghu, I need to know the procedure for transfer of electricity and BWSSB meter connections. The problem I\'am facing is, the meters have been in my Grandmother\'s name ever since the b

Reported on October 8, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33986

Regarding the transfer of the electricity meter to your name, please go through the FAQs on our website where we have explained how you can appl...Read more

  • Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

Hi Raghu, Thank you for all the useful information and insights provided so far. Please help me with this query. Its a very generic question. I am planning to buy some land from a developer near D

Reported on October 8, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33987

<p> In brief, you will require to investigate the following issues:</p> <p> (1) Issues of ownership and title: How did the deve...Read more

  • Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

What is the actual fees for the issue of marriage certificate?

Reported on October 7, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33988

<p> Under the Hindu Marriage Rules, (Rule 8) these are the following rates for the issue of various documents and other services:</p> &...Read more

  • Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

How can i avoid paying the bribe when selling the property and also the actual cost for reg. I s there any way to question or block the other registration lying behind my file without clearing mine.

Reported on October 7, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33989

<p> There is no need for you to pay a bribe. Please go to the registration department&rsquo;s website, at</p> <p> <a hre...Read more

  • Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

Hi Raghu, I have an issue hope you have solution for it. I have trasnfred my ration card from coorg to b,lore in Jan 2010. I have completed the formalities and intially they asked me to come after a

Reported on October 5, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33990

I would suggest the following steps. Please complain to higher authorities, giving the full details. Second, file an RTI application to find out...Read more

  • Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

How to get ration card? Where to apply?

Reported on October 4, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33991

This would depend upon the city concerned. I would suggest that you visit the website of the Food department of the city in which you are living...Read more

  • Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

Dear Sir, I have car with Karnataka registration. I wish to know is it required to carry original licence and origianl car RC book, insurance & other paper, while going for tour to other state. If

Reported on October 4, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33992

<p> It is not required to carry the original RC book and insurance papers when you travel in other States. Photocopies will do. However, you m...Read more

  • Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

To verify the passport address, Police charge 500 -1000 Rs and i guess it is known to every citizen. What we can do about it? How can we deny them paying money?

Reported on October 3, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33993

<p> Please visit the website of the Ministry of External affairs at</p> <p></p> <p> Here...Read more

  • Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

Hi My name is ********** and i recentky sold my flat to a friend. we have been trying to register this with the authorities but they refuse to do so and are demanding a hefty bribe. What should i do? I a

Reported on October 1, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33994

<p> Please do your homework and get all the documents required in order. Please go through the website of the registration department of Delhi...Read more

  • Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

Sir i had applied for passport and verification is being done on 28th of august duly signed by head.....during the verification the verifier asked me for a bribe ..but i didnt uttered any word and lef

Reported on September 30, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33995

<p> I would suggest that you make a written complaint about this case to the vigilance authorities mentioned in the website of the Ministry of...Read more