• साहसी नागरिक
  • 13 years ago
  • 1968 दर्शनों की संख्या

My Patience saved me from paying bribe

Reported on March 8, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32441

Here I was in an interesting situation 10 years ago when I went to get my Driver's License. Fisrt of all I was FAILED 3 times during the driving test though I was driving from the age of 14yrs & inspite of showing all the trafic signals & answering all the questions. But I didn't want to pay any bribe & I continued my attempts & the 4th attempt the Inspector didn't have any place to endorse anything on the Learning License to fail me, so at last I was cleared. Then comes a series of hurdle... I was asked to come the next day to collect the DL. When I went the next day, I was given a series of excuse saying that the file is with another person & so on. and I kept of coming for 7 continuous day, in the mean while some people offered me to help if I want to paying something. But I refused & told them to take their own sweet time. All I want to say is that...during that time I was in College & I had all the time in the life to go to RTO & do a follow up but if some thing needs to happen now then I doubt if I can take the same luxury

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