• साहसी नागरिक
  • 13 years ago
  • 1487 दर्शनों की संख्या


Reported on April 7, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #32181

This is when my son was in College and a minor. He had just got his learners' licence and driving home with a friend who was regular licence holder. There was a marriage procession on road. Though he was driving on correst side, in confusing the care just touched a lady with a baby,and just lost balance and fell down, but got up and went away with no injury. There was a Policeman on the road, after seeing the incident he stopped my son. Then whole process was cooked up. An old man was brought into picture to calim that he was hit. When I went at the site, pocicemen where measuring with tape the distance etc. on road as if a big accident had happened. My enquiries brought a retort from Inspector ' Don't diturb. In police station I was bluntly asked to pay Rs.2000 [that was in the year 1987] or else they will put my son in lock up. I refused and told them they will have to put me also in lock up with him. This brought them to senses. But I was told that I will be spending on Laywers for they will be filing a case against my son. I told them that I will spend 20000 on lawyers, but won't pay them a dime. To cut short the case went on for 6 years and was dismissed. I spend nearly 8000 in legal fees. {A FOOL, AS MANY HAVE TOLD ME]. And the Inspector who filed the case [pity him ] had to spend from his pocked to attend to court!!!!. He must have learnt a lessen of his life.

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