• साहसी नागरिक
  • 13 years ago
  • 2436 दर्शनों की संख्या

Thrown out of train for not paying bribe

Reported on August 18, 2011 from Kolkata , West Bengal  ι Report #31664

Back in 1987, I was a student at IIT Kharagpur. I boarded the Coromandel Express train in Kharagpur at 8.00 pm going to Visakhapatnam. The train had a whole compartment with empty seats, and I asked the Ticket collector to assign a berth to me. He wanted me to bribe him to allocate the berth. The whole compartment was reserved for folks to board in Visakhapatnam, and I was travelling upto Visakhapatnam. I tried to argue with the ticket collector as to why I need to pay the extra bribe to get the berth allocated. Immediately the ticket collector got very angry. Rest of the fellow passengers were telling me that I should just pay him. When I refused to pay, the ticket collector opened the compartment door in the next train stop at night 11.00 pm, and made me get out of the train. I ended up travelling in 3rd class.

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