• ईमानदार कर्मचारी
  • 10 years ago
  • 2935 दर्शनों की संख्या

I felt very sad that a honest inspector of Jammu (SHO Gandhi nagar)…

Reported on May 12, 2014 from Jammu , Jammu and Kashmir  ι Report #40933

I felt very sad that a honest inspector of Jammu (SHO Gandhi nagar) , has been terminated from his job because of honesty. The matter was that the police inspector was on regular check up of vehicles with his cavalade in the highway and had challan many public people who had violated the rules (without driving licencse, helments etc), then he came in contact with a state lawyer , he asked him to show his license and helmet , irrespective of showing his documents the lawyer started vulgur launguages to him and threatened him to life , but the police officer has challened him . Then the lawyer called up his lawyer union and started agitation against the state government for his termination , then others local bodies also joined their agiation (bar association, etc) , then due to pressure the state government has to terminate him . he was such a honest officer .SHO Gandhi Nagar jammu (Mr. Arun Jamwal)

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