• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 13 years ago
  • 1489 दर्शनों की संख्या

Bribe for verification

Reported on November 23, 2011 from Bhubaneswar , Orissa  ι Report #3327

I went to the local police station because the status of my passport was pending for police verification from last 2 months. When I inquired about the status of my passport file,I was refused that the file has not come to the police station yet,then a constable told me give me Rs.20 and I ll find it out whether your passport file has come or not. Then he found out my passport file then the passport verifying officer told me that your passport cannot be verified that day although I had bought all the relevant documents with me and 2 of my neighbors who knew me for my authentication. But later waiting for about an hour or so the verifying officer called me and asked me to try the other way out,1st of all I could not realize what was he asking for,But A little later I understood that he was asking for a bribe to verify my passport application.

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