• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 13 years ago
  • 3199 दर्शनों की संख्या

Lucknow Postmen asked for money to handover the passport.

Reported on March 22, 2011 from Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh  ι Report #25609

Its an extreame shame to tell that our postment are also a part of big government corruption family. My father was out to get some groceries and Postman asked my father to deliver his passport, which when my mother requested to give it her as he is not at home that time. Ideally, my mother should not have insisted him for passport in my father's absence but the postman asked a favor to handover the passport. When my mother offered 100 INR to him he said this is not the price and they normally charge 200 for every passport delivery. What a cheap officers have we employed in Indian government. Well, its the whole government system is corrupt and without a doubt, every governement officer is corrupt from his first day og job. Shame on Indian governement corrupt system.

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