• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 10 years ago
  • 2433 दर्शनों की संख्या

I was new to Madurai at the time and was scared of the people. I…

Reported on May 3, 2014 from Madurai , Tamil Nadu  ι Report #40791

I was new to Madurai at the time and was scared of the people. I had to take a licence and I have applied online. I took an appointment and printed out all of the necessary forms online. When, I submitted, the application was torn apart. They insisted to by the application form from a nearby Tea Shop for 5.Rs. I had to pay a fee at the counter. The people who gave exact change were abused and they never return change. I took the appointment for 10-11. But, I had to wait till 2, when the officer was free and had to wait for my turn. I drove my dad's bike and completed the test successfully, or atleast I thought so. The bike belongs to my Father and was registered in Chennai. I had attached the copy of RC which, he didn't care previously. After the test, the RTO said that, as per the rules, I had to drive a vehicle registered to their office only. And threw my application. A nearby broker took it and asked to pay 500Rs to move it. Otherwise, it would never be approved. Due to my time constraints and their bullying, abusing talks, I had to pay them whatever they asked for. That day in life, I regretted, why I was born in a world like this. And, this didn't end. At the end of the day, to get my licence, I had to buy a Army day flag for 50Rs. and sign their register. For LLR 1 flag, For, licence 2 flags.

I was an Engineering student, a good one. I was proud of being one. But, after that day, when the sluggish looking scoundrels, who couldn't even pronounce a word properly abused me and extorted money, I felt so ashamed of myself. Its not just one officer but the entire office, which was involved. I can't prove anything against them.

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