• हॉटलाइन
  • 14 years ago
  • 2267 दर्शनों की संख्या

Hi, I have been a student in pune around 2.5 years back. My experience with police has been pretty good (I am from UP. I will like to narrate two incidents. 1. We were looking out for a restaurant an

Reported on September 13, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #34033

I am so happy to hear your story! I also have had some very pleasant experiences with the police. We take the police so much for granted, that we never realise the terrible work conditions they sometimes have to endure. Unfortunately, many honest people who work untiringly within the government are not recognised for their efforts. i also believe that while there is no need to be servile or slavish,we must be unfailingly polite in our behaviour with government officials. Though I confess that on occasions, I have lost my temper, when faced with blatant corruption or rudeness!</p>
My advice to you is that next time you come across such helpfulness, please note the name of the official concerned and write to the papers and the senior officers in the department concerned about the individual concerned. A good word goes a very long way, in keeping the morale of good officers high!</p>

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