• हॉटलाइन
  • 12 years ago
  • 2387 दर्शनों की संख्या


Reported on May 21, 2012 from Chennai , Tamil Nadu  ι Report #33578

I leave in a rented house in Chennai. For past 6 month (about 3 meter reading - ones in 2 months) I had observed that reading was very low - I use AC, fridge, TV runs and other electrical gadgets. I knew meter is not working properly and complained to the electricity board. I was willing to pay an average amount for the usage of power - I know here is revenue leakage because of faulty meter. However, instead of addressing the issue, the clerk at the counter told me, sir can you pay me something and I will replace the meter immediately - Whether Board replace the meter or not its not my problem - but being socially responsible more over state is reeling in sever shortage of power I was dumbstruck. I knew, I have no obligation to replace meter, but I am responsible for bring it to the notice of the authority concern. If meter doesn't work I will benefit of some free power. I told the clerk, I will not pay. I met the Assistant Engineer, and told him that my meter is not working and have already given a written complaint. The Meter was replace the same day ( I was not at home when they came). One of my family member paid Rs150 for replacing the meter.

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