• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 5 years ago
  • 3365 दर्शनों की संख्या

Bribe for Disabled person to prove

Reported on February 19, 2020 from Koppal , Karnataka  ι Report #220512

In Koppal District hospital i saw that 1 of Disabled person came to renew his ID and he was disabled literally, to renew his ID xyz person asked him bribe to renew his ID for that he paid also not only he nearly 3-4 members are waiting for him to meet.
He was doctor there and he want to tell that it's not for him, he has to pay for higher authorities also, and after work or sometimes according to situation he acts like he don't anything.
I don't no how much amount he taken!
It was in 2019 June/July don't no accurate date

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