• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 5 years ago
  • 1566 दर्शनों की संख्या

Paid in the name of lawyer fees

Reported on November 28, 2019 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #217472

After paying thousands as lawyer fee during property registration, I request the following to note. The registration staff has commited a mistake by interchanging the photos of my wife and mine and got them signed by us to cover up. The staff was busy in accepting money and interacting with others keeping the work taken up vulnerable to mistakes. This is a regular phenomenon in any registration office every day. Request to stop similar practises all over India.

1. The complete automation of property registration process.

the staff involves in too much of bribe acceptance. the lawyer fee is interms of around 40000 and above. the payment is in terms of cash only. this gets distributed among many.
In the greediness staff commit multiple mistakes which require another visit by all the parties involved.

Even Aadhaar centres with no income have good facilities. The registration office gets lakhs of profit but kept with meagre facilities to spin cash bribes from people.

2. The doctors accepting samples, gifts and foreign tour packages from medical representatives have been prescribing costly medicines to all
3. The lawyers have been cheating both the parties as they combine as friends at court and canteen and deceive clients to not to solve the case and extend eternally.

4. The traffic police have been still high on collecting bribes. the state governments have been supporting them.
kindly see if this can be taken up early to clear the mess.

request you to kindly do the needful

with best regards

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