• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 14 years ago
  • 2529 दर्शनों की संख्या

Pay what I paid for

Reported on September 9, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #30825

I had bought a house in 2004 and wanted to transfer the khata on my name from the previous owner. I approached CMC Rajarajeshwari Nagar (now BBMP) and enquired. I was asked to pay Rs. 4000 for the khata certificate (Rs. 1500 stamp duty + 2500 for other expenses). I was not willing. I even thought I should approach Lok Ayukta and get him caught red-handed. I asked him why I should pay. "If you are not willing to pay, it's fine with me. You will have to go the registrar office, revenue department, VAO, Thahshildar office and get clearance all by yourself for me to issue khata. It may take even 5 to 6 months," said the dark middle-aged babu. "We have paid lakhs together to get this job, shouldn't we ask for a small amount to recover that?", he justified further. I was frightened at the thought of being harrassed at all the government offices he mentioned since I do not have time to spend for these people or fight and correct the system. I had to finally yield to his request and get the khata, though all my documents were in order.

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