• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 5 years ago
  • 2475 दर्शनों की संख्या

RTA Corruption

Reported on May 26, 2019 from Hyderabad , Telangana  ι Report #207073

Everyone in Khairtabad RTA Hyderabad are corrupted. The brokers outside ask for a bribe to get the paper work done faster. And when you give money you dont have to stand in long lines and you go directly in the front. And the officer sitting there supports this. Even the police officials present there take bribe. I was very shocked to see all this. This is all done in front of the SP. And one more thing we have to pay extra money to get the license done at karkhana. Its shocking to see the officer who is a kind of invigilator for the traffic exam allows you to copy. I dont know how much share is going to her. She was a lady inspector. The date was 27-03-2019. If a person dont have the road knowledge its not an accident that happens its murder.

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