
Notorious criminal shot dead in UP

Posted on June 06, 2015 from Uttar Pradesh, National, West bengal ι Report #3735

Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh), June 5 (IANS) Police on Friday gunned down a notorious criminal and his accomplice in an Uttar Pradesh village.

Rahul Khatta, who carried a reward of Rs.2 lakh on his head, was killed in a shootout in Algauwa villgae in Saharanpur district along with Bante Balmiki.

Police seized nine automatic weapons from the two besides their car.

Saharanpur's Deputy Inspector General of Police Ashok Raghav said Khatta was in the village to extort money from a brick kiln owner.

The victim called the police for help. As the police tried to rescue him, Khatta opened fire, triggering a gun battle.

Khatta and his accomplice were declared dead in a hospital.

Wanted in 55 criminal cases, Khatta was wanted by courts and police from all districts of western Uttar Pradesh besides Uttarakhand.

"He was a symbol of terror in western UP," said officer Raghav. "He had consolidated his gang and was into extortion and robbery. He looted weapons from the police and public."

He said all the weapons were recovered on Friday. A reward had been recommended for the police team which killed Khatta.