• Bribe Fighter
  • 13 years ago

Service TAx Inspector Demanding Bribe of Rs 750/-

Reported on June 15, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #31820

We are a 100 % Export Oriented Unit and therefore do not have local sales.

Tax authorities always comes every year and demand Rs 5000/- as they claim they are Government Officials.

Today a ********** landed up from Service Tax Department and after looking at our Nil return statements asked for Rs 750 as fees. He said that we have not got any refunds and he will facilitate refund claims if we have any.

We told him that he can take a walk.

He has gone threatening that we will be inconvenienced a lot as they will now ask us to produce all books at their office and make us wait and waste a lot of our time and energy.

I told him that is what we are paid for and still we will not pay.

So he left. He came from the Tax office in ********** Bagh Road.

We will wait and see.

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