- Bribe Hotline
- 14 years ago
I am going to register my flat in december 2010. I want to know the total registration amount (including everything like stamp duty, registration fee, VAT etc). Builder is telling apart from reg+stamp
The <span class="yshortcuts" id="lw_1285474593_1" style="border-bottom: 2px dotted rgb(54, 99, 136); cursor: pointer; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;">stamp duty rate</span> is correctly stated. More details can be obtained from the website of the Karnataka Registration Department.</p>
Initially, to your question, I was sure that there was no VAT. However, further checks have revealed that the builder can charge a 5% <span class="yshortcuts" id="lw_1285474593_0" style="border-bottom: 2px dotted rgb(54, 99, 136); cursor: pointer;">VAT</span> as tax on work contract. This wold be payable on the transfer of property to the buyer of the flat. We would be grateful if you can get the copy of the legal provisions under which VAT is to be paid from your builder and report it on our interactive FAQ forum. The one thing you must check is whether you need to pay registration fee based upon the sale price plus the 5 percent VAT. In my view, that would amount to taxation upon tax. But please check out and let us know.</p>
Please download the citizens charter from the website of the Registration department before you go for registration. The document should be downloaded in full from the website</p>
In the citizens charter, the registration department commits to complete the registration within 2 hours and 20 minutes. They also advise you not to go to middlemen! Please place this under the nose of the sub-registrar and ask him to ensure that registration takes place in accordance with the citizens charter issued by his own department.</p>