• Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

I went to the District Magistrate office in Delhi near ********** (MB Road) to get my marriage registration done. Inspite of having all the required genuine documents, The PA to the DM asked me to pay h

Reported on September 23, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #34027

It is your right to get your marriage certificate without paying a bribe. The PA is trying to either&nbsp;play on your fears, or trying to wear your patience down.&nbsp; There are many things that you can do, which can turn the tables on such corrupt officials, and these are as follows:</p>
<strong>Some general points on how to conduct yourself:</strong></p>
Be confident and firm, while being polite. Address the PA by his name. There is no need to show unnecessary respect.</li>
Be blunt. Try to take a friend along. People in corrupt offices get a little worried when you go as a group.</li>
Speak openly. cut the PA short and ask him loudly, within the hearing of others, what is the BRIBE (Use the word clearly) and ask the amount. Ask him why he is afraid to discuss this in the open? If bribing is so common, let him ask you for a bribe clearly! Also ask him for the telephone number of the District Magistrate, so that you&nbsp; can call him directly and complain.</li>
Next time you meet the officer, carry a recording instrument and try and record his voice and take his video surreptitiously, so that you have evidence against him.&nbsp; Sometimes, these kind of operations have to be done.</li>
Talk about RTI Act &amp; citizens charters. Government officials are always afraid of knowledgeable&nbsp;people!</li>
I would also suggest that you sit in the office and refuse to leave. And when the senior officer appears, loudly tell him that his PA is demanding a bribe. Also keep the recording ready, to be played back to the senior officer.</li>
Corrupt people work in a pattern. They expect you to be unsure and confused when you visit an office. By going there confidently, in a group and speaking bluntly as one, you are disrupting their pattern and making the conversation run according to your pattern. You control the conversation!</p>

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