• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Big time cheats outside BIA

Reported on December 6, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #29436

I recently came back to India, After I came out of the airport i encountered these touts(cheats) at the departure gate. First the snatched away my baggage then he asked me where do you want to go. I told I want to go to ******** and asked for how much would he charge. He said "we dont cheat people" whatever is the standard rate you can pay.
The tone changed as soon as we reached our place. The "honest" taxi driver says you have to pay certain XXX amount extra as it is late in the night.
I told him that I have travelled to BIA by many taxis and I know what will be the bill amount and you are asking Rs.300 more than the normal, for which he said this is our rate you have to pay and when i raised my voice he says "If you want to complain go ahead and complain in Police and we know how to get around".
If I can know how to teach such people a lesson that would really help.

The taxi number is
KA-03 *******

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