• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Bribe paid to excise dept at Goa - Karnataka state border

Reported on May 11, 2011 from Karwar , Karnataka  ι Report #8660

We were stopped by the border police and asked if we were carrying any liquour out of Goa. I reported three small (sample-sized) bottles of tequila totalling not more than 300 ml and INR 210 in value.

The distributor who sold me the goods in Panjim town maintained that a permit is not required for such a small quantity. I reported the same to the police officers on duty. However, they threatened the confiscate the car and demanded INR 1000 in bribe. I offered to dispose the bottles in front of their eyes and proceed, but they did not allow me to do that. They did not also seize the bottles. They were only interested in making money out of the situation.

After repeatedly imploring them to reconsider given the actual value of the goods and the fact that the dealer didn't issue a permit given the small amount, the cops "settled" for INR 500.

If a permit was really required, I was more than willing to accept the blame of laxity on this count and willing to pay the requisite fines/duties. That is what I told them, in addition to offering to dispose the goods. However, the threat to confiscate the car and book a case against me was more than I could handle.

My apologies to my fellow citizens for bribing my way through the incident.

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