• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Paid bdibe to get birth certificate

Reported on October 28, 2010 from Vellore , Tamil Nadu  ι Report #30102

Way back in 2006 and 2007 i paid rs 200 as bribe to get birth certificate for which i was asked to come again and agian for more than 10 times. That cost me a lot. The officers didnt give me proper respons for the delay inspite of paying bribe.
I strongly believe only if ordinary people or simple laymen are given important the corruption will be eradicated.
I complained about it bt there were none to hear me or to act on it. they simply laughed and rejected. where can i go........................... nowhere .... and then the corruption conti....... i am happy atleast i shared this ti someone who is really trying to do something to stop corruption (!)

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