• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Paid for getting Land Registration Doc

Reported on June 11, 2011 from Chandigarh , Chandigarh  ι Report #7576

Well, I had the same idea in my mind as well couple of years ago to create a website on bribe..But did not have a chance to do it..So Congrats Guys..Keep this work up!

I went to local Tehsil in order to get my Ancestor's property Which is under my name in year 2005 and I had to take a copy of Registered doc called "Farad" and had to make atleast 5 trip back and forth to get the FARAD. Apparntely after waiting for a 5 hours after 6 o'clock I was the only one who left in that room with Patwari..asked me to pay him 3500/- to get the copy.. I was totally shocked and he told me if I would have been showed him money earlier the work had been done and you did not have to make that many round..

That's called *******

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