• Bribe Fighter
  • 10 years ago

Electricity reading and Billing

Reported on January 26, 2015 from Chennai , Tamil Nadu  ι Report #50541

I rented a property in Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai. When I moved in and at the end of 1st month I noticed that the meter was not working correctly. I reported the issue to the EB office. They asked me to pay the highest tarrif of the previous 1 year bill which I did.

During the next billing cycle they did not enter the meter reading for me to pay the bills. After 4 to 5 visits the EB person took a note of the appliances used and changed the meter. Also the EB person informed me the meter reading for the last 1 year is quite less and informed me that I need to also pay the previous 1 years bill depending on the latest usage. Later when I checked the website, the highest tariff the previous tenant had was what I had to pay.

This time again the person taking meter reading refused to enter the meter reading in the card and informed me to visit the EB office. Though the electronic meter accurately shows the reading they are not taking the meter reading and entering it in the website.

i) I notice they are looking for bribe to make things easy
ii) They are making my life difficult by making me visit the office multiple times
iii) I had to pay the highest tariff based on previous tenant for no fault of mint.

Please advice how to address this issue as I have difficulty in getting the meter reading noted so that I can pay the bill online.

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