• Bribe Fighter
  • 6 years ago

FIR 0009/2018

Reported on March 26, 2018 from Moradabad , Uttar Pradesh  ι Report #180351

I have screenshots of SMS , text messages , police complaint stamped by Bangalore -
HSR police station, boarding passes, prescriptions etc. I am an education girl who was a genuine victim of dowry harassment. I went through the entire process of pre FIR and post FIR, pre investigation namesake counselling sessions patiently in spite of the accused holding it all in contempt by not attending even one session.
Now the IO, Nidhi Chaudhary SI Manila Thana Moradabad is demanding 1 lac to file charge sheet else she is threatening to file a False Report. She is also not accepting any of the documentary evidence I am providing her. I will not bribe and fight it out . There is hue and cry about false dowry cases and there are multiple men's right activist who are available in the remotest of towns. However, there is no NGO in my city to help me out. Appeals to national commission for women are unheard. I took to Twitter as well to raise the issue - that my IO is misbehaving. No response from there as well.
Twitter handle @Vartika240690
I am an educationally qualified citizen so I worked hard to overcome the trauma and am seeking out help from online forums. Till now there has been no response. However, there are so many uneducated, downtrodden victims who are misbehaved and abused in this Mahila Thana. The SHO , Sandhya Singh seems to be party to it since she is equally rude and ill mannered when you escalate complaints to her.
I am sick of reading about all the fake dowry harassment cases. In all that noise, the real victims are lost. I am actually waiting for some genuine forum to contact me and help me resolve this. Meanwhile my run has been on for almost 6 months now.

What is your reaction after reading this report?