• Bribe Fighter
  • 13 years ago


Reported on March 18, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32335

My mother was driving a 2 wheeler with me on the pillion. We were stopped by a traffic inspection squad and were asked to submit the vehicle's papers. My was well aware of her mistake of not getting an emission test done on time and informed me of the expired emission certificate. I paid Rs 500/-, as we were asked to pay the fine and the constable returned Rs 200/- sans a receipt. when i demanded a receipt, he said that it was 'fine' and we can move. I refused to leave without a receipt and surprisingly the constable after speaking to a 'higher' officer, returned all of the Rs 500/- back! The next day. i found out through a mail that while not carrying a valid emission certificate is a fault, it is only after a warning that one will be fined!

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