• Bribe Fighter
  • 14 years ago

Site Registration

Reported on September 24, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32681

Yesterday, I was rushing towards my home after work at around 6:30 pm. We stopped at a signal at the junstion of Electronics City phase I and the over bridge.
two guys came across in their jeep from the other side, violating the signal. But since we had stopped he couldnt move further and got stuck on the road. He asked the person who was in front to drive off, so that he can get the blockage removed and he could move on. But the other person who was in front resisted saying that the traffic light does not permit him to do so and also there were policemen standing besides him.
The people in the jeep somehow got agitated (god knows why, ********** be they were some goons). They came out and started beating that guy up. NOT SURPRISINGLY, the POLICEMEN who were standing besides that guy, did not move even an inch when he was getting beaten. They were just enjoying their tea and the show.. Finally some of us had to jump in stop them. But by that time the guy fainted.
His only fault was that he wanted to follow the rules. ********** the rules are not meant for a place like India.
If there are these kind of policemen around, then who cares whether they are present or not. They just extort money from innocent people and protect their ownselves. It would be much better if they were not there. That way we could be saving some of our tax money which goes towards them.

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