• Bribe Fighter
  • 10 years ago

Six months ago I had applied for khatha registration of an agricultural…

Reported on March 18, 2014 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #38400

Six months ago I had applied for khatha registration of an agricultural land (ancestral) after winning a court case on this land. This land was purchased through a deed. The civil court has clearly declared the ownership in our favour after a long battle of nearly 20 years. The khatha application is pending with the special thahsildhar since more than 3 months. He is not taking a decision to register the khatha in our favour as he is expecting a very high bribe of five lakh rupees. He sends his middleman to negotiate. In fact this corrupt special thahsildhar was recently caught by the Karnataka lokayukta while accepting a bribe of 25 thousand rupees by a villager who had applied for transferring khatha. He was arrested and was in jail for 48 hrs. Though he has been caught in November 2013 he continues to remain in office. The middleman was also caught along with him. No higher official or minister has taken a step to suspend him from his post. The Indian express news paper had published an artical in headlines mentioning that the official continues in spite of caught by lokayukta. This corrupt official still demands high bribe from people. It is disgusting, disappointing and brings anger & frustration with the corruption that is flourishing under the new government. The middle man openly says that the thahsildar has paid high bribe to come to this position and so he has to make up for it. Though lokayukta has done its job, the bureaucracy is not co-operating in eliminating corruption. I have no hope of getting my work done without bribe though there is a court judgment in our favour. But I have still not paid the bribe and my application is still pending.

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