• Bribe Hotline
  • 5 years ago

I own a piece of non-agricultural land with all proper documentation.

Reported on May 16, 2019 from Medical Certificate , Health Services  ι Report #206258

I own a piece of non-agricultural land with all proper documentation. I wish to construct a home on it. I have duly applied for building permission under Dehuroad cantonment board in Pune. Since past 20 months we are still waiting for permission. On inquiry at office, from past 6 months they say all documentation are clear but only final sign of brigadier is pending (Real status - Files are approved and are pending to be signed by CEO itself). i have tried visiting CEO several times but no avail, people in office are utterly ignorant and pay no heed to common man plea. We are not allowed to meet CEO to inquire about our issues. Concerned dept is demanding bribe to get the building permission approved. I have observed rate and speed of granting approvals for building construction is almost none. I am not sure even if after paying said amount my work will be done. Due to such poor and laxity in administrative work people opt for illegal construction. i come from weak financial background and have managed to buy land in said premises with lot of efforts. Now for construction purpose i need home loan, which is not possible without building permission.
i need a advice what can be done for above case. Being a common man i have no financial or political links, So i fear if complain to respective cantonment board it might put me at trouble. There are many people like me waiting for solution on this problem.
I wish there was some monitoring and review system for this process.

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