• Honest Officer
  • 12 years ago

Wheel Chair Facility @ City Station

Reported on October 3, 2012 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32761

On Monday evening we needed a wheel chair to take one of my relative from Back gate (entry to platform 7, 8) of Bangalore City Railway station to the train hence I was searching for it at the front gate of the station. I happen to notice a cabin near ticket counter with sticker on its doors as: "May I Help you". I entered the cabin and talked to a lady offier and explained about my requirement, without a single word she agreed to give a wheelchair to me with a deposit of "Goverment Issued ID Card". I deposited my ID card and took the wheel chair. After my work got done I submitted the wheelchair and got my ID card without any issued. Only thing I gave the officer was: "Thank You" in return got smile from her. While returning I noticed that this cabin belongs to Dy. General Manager - Communications. Good that such people still exist who does not take advantage of you due to their power/position.
P.S.: If you ask any cooli to get/arrange wheelchair he will charge minimum of Rs 100/-

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