• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

"Baggage Transfer Tax."

Reported on June 6, 2011 from New Delhi , Delhi  ι Report #8388

I was flying from Kabul to Bangkok and had to transfer at ********** Ghandhi Airport. After a fairly hellish 11 hours, I went to try to find my baggage. I was informed by the airline rep that he had transferred onto the Bangkok flight and, having delayed matters until 10 minutes before my flight was due, announced that there was a baggage transfer tax. Fairly suspicious, I asked how much it was and. after a bit of hesitation and glancing at his colleague, he declared it was $50. I was getting a tad agitated about missing my flight but declared that I only had $10 on me and I would have to talk to his manager. At this, he declared that $10 would do and gave me my baggage tickets that he had been holding onto. I really wish that I had had the time to call their bluff.

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