• I Paid A Bribe
  • 4 years ago

Bribe for building permission

Reported on December 12, 2020 from Raigarh , Chhattisgarh  ι Report #226223

Hi Team,
For building permission I paid total 12500rs where 7000 rs as bribe. It happened on 19th Nov 2020.
Person who took bribe is BI and he doesn't took it directly. But he said that CMO and engineer will also take their share. Also they have fix rate for building permission for 1 floor permission 5K is fixed amount as bribe. For me it was 2 floor permission so they calculated 10K but given me some discount and took 7K(Discount in Bribe is totally new concept for me).

I checked rates in different reasons as well in big and small city for building permission it is not more then 2 to 3K. But here in small nagar panchayat they took 7K though they did their Job very fast and permission was granted in within 15 days of time.
FYI I had all the documents legal nothing illegal done from my end.

How good it will be if they can do it without bribe.

For the name sake govt of M.P. have ABPASS system which claim they have automated the permission things with higher transparency but this is not truth at ground. ABPASS have involvement of municipal people at every stage which makes it harder to get permission for normal people. and if person get it after wait of month then at last they will say some problems at digital signature from CMO and that issue can be easily solved by bribe, scary but thruth.
I would like to discuss further if anyone would love to understand/discuss/enhance the process.

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