• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Getting BBMP Khatta document

Reported on September 26, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #30658

I had khatta document for my flat that wss earlier issued when it was not under city limit. When my flat came inside city limit, i was told to get BBMP khatta document. With all my previous property tax receipts, copy of sale deed document and old khatta document, i approached BBMP office for khatta document. Though it requires only Rs 150. They asked me 5000 rupees to get the document. I have to leave the city very next day and leave the country next week. If i'm liiving at the same place, i can fight against that and take whatever the time to get it legally. But in this case, i have to pay the bribe to get my work done.

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