• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

He damanded $10,000, but settled for Rs. 500

Reported on May 16, 2011 from New Delhi , Delhi  ι Report #8561

I was supposed to go overseas for my studies to the US. After bidding farewell to my friends and family, wrapping up my life in Delhi, and with Rs. 3000 I had saved up, I was on my way to board the waiting flight. That's when the police guy inspecting my passport said that I did not have the necessary emigration clearance, even though I had a stamp from the previous year. Apparently you needed one each time you flew out (which needed another bribe at the emigration office--which I had paid the first time) I approched a few people at the airport who suggested I try offering a bribe. So I asked how he could help me. He offered to give me a stamp on the spot for USD 10K. Told him I only had Rs. 500. He said ok, but that I should not tell anyone about this or both of us would be jailed.

I still don't know what the **********emigration clearance is, it's purpose, or why I should need it anyway. Idiotic stuff.

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