• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

I was leaving to abroad with work permit

Reported on June 2, 2011 from Hyderabad , Telangana  ι Report #8405

I was leaving my home country, on nov 3 2008, After entering the airport i was suggested to be in a 'Q' for Immigration and at the Immigration counter the staff asked me my sponsor letter which i showed to him then he refusred me that you cannot move and need some more letters, it was a panic situation for me as i was unemployed with no indian rupees with me inside the airport he asked me 2000 rs for the stamping in my passport or to go back and bring the letter from my sponsor or a signature from from the higher authority.

finally i got some money from my co-passener who saw my position and gave me 1000.

i again went to the same counter and told the officer of the Immigration that i have 1000 only to pay him, then he showed me a locked room where he wants me to drop the money from the window inside the room which was lock.

he was seeing me when i was droping the money from the window inside the room.

then he made a stamp on my passport a clear chit to fly.

Like me many are still suffering from this airport there is no one to check this and stop.

********** ********** Mera ********** *******

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