• Honest Officer
  • 10 years ago

My last visit to get my rather pathetic looking paper Driver license…

Reported on June 17, 2014 from Puttur , Andhra Pradesh  ι Report #41462

My last visit to get my rather pathetic looking paper Driver license replaced with a smart card license resulted in some long story about shortage of cards and that I would have to check again at some indefinite period. Given my general distaste for government offices, I had been putting off this for a while.

Today, I mustered up the nerve to try again, and I have to report that it all went relatively smoothly with no bribes involved. Some general unnecessary running from counter to counter was there, but overall, most staff were helpful and cheerful too.
I was asked to check in 2-3 weeks for a pickup, which will be the final step, but this was pretty pleasant, and way above expectations

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