• I Paid A Bribe
  • 8 years ago

Harassment of tourists by police

Reported on January 15, 2017 from Jaipur , Rajasthan  ι Report #146540

Last night I was coming to Jaipur from Delhi to visit my parents and celebrate Sakranti.
By accident I was driving with high beam on. Right after crossing Khole hanumanji a police vehicle was parked with barricading. The policeman asked me to stop and I pulled over. On inquiring he said I'll have to pay a fine of 1100 rs for driving on high beam and my license will be confiscated and will have to pay the fine on Monday in the police office.
He offered another way out of paying small amount to him which I accepted due to time constrants as I had to reach Delhi on Monday. I offered all had but he was not contended and even checked my purse and took all the money i there i.e. 420 rupees.
That time I was in hurry so didn't think much as I had a busy day in office and left directly for Jaipur from there .
Later I realised I made a great mistake by paying a bribe and I was targeted because my vehicle was HP registered and it is usual for there policemen to target outside vehicles on weekends for easy money. I saw a lot of Jaipur registered vehicles breaking all kind of rules right in front of him.
Such kind of acts bring bad reputation of Jaipur in peoples mind.
I for sure will think twice before suggesting someone to visit Jaipur at night.

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