• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Passport renewal

Reported on June 6, 2011 from Bhubaneswar , Orissa  ι Report #8364

The story started 7 months before I paid the bribe. It was in June 5th 2010, I applied for my passport renewal in embassy in Washington DC. After waiting for 2 months I contacted DC regarding my passport, and the reply was.....waiting for NOC from Bhubaneswar passport office. So started communication with the regional passport officer (Mrs. Mohanty...she is a waste and good for nothing). I must have sent minimum 200 emails to her and cc to the even the vigilance department of external affairs ministry. So FINALLY...I asked my brother in law to go to Bhubaneswar and he Paid Rs. 3000 to Mr. **********, then the next day got the NOC and the passport subsequently in the same month. Normally renewal of passport takes a week but unfortunately for me it took 8 months. Because I wanted to try till last not to give any bribe. But certainly fail to the great Indian system. Hope someday we can have all the govt. service smoothly and govt employees will think that they are doing their job rather than thinking that they are doing a favour to the public.

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