• Bribe Hotline
  • 10 years ago

I am a lawyer registered in Panvel,I needed a scooty and so I met...

Reported on May 22, 2014 from Navi Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #41116

I am a lawyer registered in Panvel,I needed a scooty and so I met RTO officer and he was convinced and assured me about having my documents ( aadhar card and PAN card And flat owners electricity bill and my photo ID as a registered lawyer of Panvel Issued by Bombay High Court ) no problem will occur for vehicle registration. My flat owner is residing in forgien . our contract of rent was continuing accordingly ...but when I asked my agent he and the newly joined officer just rejected and said ask to sign the previous officer and my documents were enough to prove my genuinity but his meaningless questions and attitude was really very different for a women, he was intensionally not in helping mood? I appriciated previous officer Mr M.B.jadhav He was really a good man .now I will see the legal aspect of this matter if not resolved in few days........Again I felt being a women I was again victimised by those people knowingly.....in that office. suggest me what can help me?

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